Ads 468x60px

terça-feira, 13 de setembro de 2011

$f("live", "", {


// logo initially has zero opacity
logo: {
url: '/videoads/public/images/aovivobnu.png?v=1',
fullscreenOnly: false,
top: '90%',

onError: function(errorCode, errorMessage) {


Câmera indisponível no momento!



playlist: [

{title: 'DON PEPPONE - cortesia 15dias', url: '/videoads/public/videos/29/adversing.flv', bufferLength:4,
onBeforePause: function() {
return false;
onBeforeBegin: function () {
$f().getPlugin('content').setHtml("A câmera começará em segundos");
{title: 'camera', url: 'bnusc1', provider:'influxis',
onBeforeBegin: function () {
$f().getPlugin("logo").fadeTo(0.9, 1000);
onBegin: function(){
onResume: function(clip) {;

// the rtmp plugin
plugins: {

influxis: {
url: '/videoads/public/player/swf/flowplayer.rtmp-3.2.3.swf?v=1',
netConnectionUrl: 'rtmp://'

// "myContent" is the name of our plugin
content: {

// location of the plugin
url: '',

// display properties
top: 5,
width: 215,
height: 27,
backgroundGradient: 'none',
border: 0,

// styling properties
borderRadius: 10,

// "inline" styling (overrides external stylesheet rules),
style: {
'.title': {
fontSize: 16,
fontFamily: 'verdana,arial,helvetica'
// clicking on the plugin hides it (but you can do anything)
onClick: function() {

time = 0;
function updateStatistic(){


//time += 10;

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